TIMELINE 1920 - 1930
Federal prohibition of alcoholic beverages begins
Houston's population reached 138,276, a jump of 75.5 percent since 1910. The city's black population was 33,960
Bank deposits per capita stood at $617, when the national average was $392
Houston now had 27,000 telephone customers
The Port of Houston recorded 165 ship arrivals and a combined barge and ship freight total of 1,210,204 tons. The latter figure was still well below pre-war levels
The local Houston chapter of the Klu Klux Klan was formed
General John J. Pershing is in Houston
Humble Oil and Refining Company has received the largest building permit ever issued in Houston. It is for a $1,200,000 building at the corner of Main and Polk
The silver service donated by the people by the people of Houston to the steamship "City of Houston" was presented to Capt. George E. White of the steamer by Mayor A. E. Amerman
Norman H. Ricker of Galveston invents paper cone loudspeaker, making possible high-fidelity sound production for radio, TV, and the talkies
Congress appropriated the funds to deepen the channel to 30 feet
Building permits passed the $10,000,000 mark, inaugurating an eight-year construction boom that left a new skyline in Houston
Houston's first "traffic cops" were deployed to alleviate traffic congestion
Oscar F. Holcombe became mayor of Houston
June 20
Hal Block left Houston on the first all-air trip to New York, which took nineteen hours and forty-five minutes
August 21
State legislature was passed permitting the consolidation of the two administrative boards which had jurisdiction over the ship channel; the City Harbor Board and the Commissioners of the Harris County and Houston Ship Channel Navigation District. The two were consolidated, at their own request, into a five-man Board of Navigation and Canal Commissioners
Censors banned the showing of two films in a black theater, because black power boxer Jack Johnson acted in them with whites, and the advertising was "incendiary and inflammatory"
Six hundred longshoremen struck, delaying cotton shipments
Marshal Ferdinand Foch visits Houston
In a mammoth ceremony, 2,051 Houstonians were inducted into the Klu Klux Klan
Edith E. T. Wilmans is first woman elected to the Texas House of Representatives
Radio station WEV began broadcasting music and impromptu speeches for about 300 receivers
The Port registered 511 ship arrivals with a combined barge and ship freight of 3,365,644 tons
The zoo collection is moved from Sam Houston Park to Hermann Park
Fire horses were replaced by motorized equipment
Voters approved a $4,000,000 bond issue for harbor and channel improvements
Street Cars will be removed from Main to Fannin within a month to six weeks
W. L Macatee & Sons has received a new dump truck which can dump a load in 30 seconds
The new five-man Port Commission took office
Texan Eck Robertson becomes the first country musician on record with the fiddle tune " Sally Goodin"
Houston has 5 telephone exchanges through which 85,000 customers make approximately 300,000 calls per day
There were 1015 vessels which landed at the Port of Houston
"White primary law" excludes black citizens from the Democratic Party primary
Building permits amounted to nearly $20,000,000
Construction began on River Oaks, a thoroughly planned residential area for the city's elite
Houston's Port recorded 707 ship arrivals with a combined barge and ship freight of 4,815,119 tons
For two days, Houstonian Magdeline Williams held the world record for marathon dancing at sixty-five hours and twenty-nine minutes
January 29
The million-dollar Majestic Theatre was opened, and one month later Jan Paderewski performed there
Texas Composers Guild founded
Permian Basin oil and gas field discovered
Iganc Paderewski gives a concert at the city auditorium
Mayor Oscar Holcombe is banished from the K. K. K. for refusing to bow to their dictates
The Capitol Hotel is destroyed by fire
Miriam A. Ferguson elected first woman governor of Texas
The Houston public schools began to operate as an independent system controlled by an elected school board and supported by a separate tax base
Houstonians voted to abolish Jitney service
The bulk of the $1,000,000 estate of the late Howard R. Hughes, Sr. goes to his son, Howard R. Hughes, Jr. age 18 who is a student at Rice Institute
April 1
The sixteen-story Houston Cotton Exchange building was completed
April 12
The Houston Art League opened the Museum of Fine Arts
More than 32,000 children and 1150 teachers were back in school
The new Kinkaid School at Richmond and Graustark is opened
December 2
The Jefferson Davis charity hospital for blacks was dedicated
December 19
Houston was temporarily isolated by a sleet storm
The ship channel was now deepened to 30 feet, as the Port recorded 1,193 ship arrivals and a combined barge and ship freight of 9,932,731 tons
Building permits were issued with a record value of $35,041,000
Houston's first radio station to endure. KPRC (Houston Post-Dispatch), went on the air
The 4000-speciman animal collection at the Houston Zoo is attracting 10,000 visitors a year
March 1
The Warwick Hotel was opened on South Main Street
April 13
Annexations extended the city's surface area by 25 square miles
Hermann Hospital is opened for public inspection
Mrs. Niels Esperson and Harry E. Stuart, newspaper advertising man, are married at her apartment in the Beaconfield
The Sam Houston Monument is unveiled in Hermann Park
Margie Elizabeth Neal becomes the first woman in Texas Senate
Forty-two steamship lines made Houston a port of call, and passengers could connect with one of the eighteen rail-lines that serviced the city
The sixteen-story Medical Arts Building, a Gothic structure was completed
Houston is linked with San Antonio, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Oklahoma City, and Kansas City by means of the fastest sending and receiving apparatus known--telegraphic typewriters
A new 110 acre park is to be opened from Hermann Park to Wayside Drive and to be named McGregor Park
June 19
The Negro Hospital, a gift of J. S. Cullinan, was dedicated
July 1
A 1,000,000,000 bushel-capacity public grain elevator opened
October 18
The Houston Public Library opened its new $500,000 Spanish Renaissance structure
Houston became part of an airmail route
Shepps Aces women's basketball team from Texas wins the national AAU championship-held by Texas teams for the first four years of the competition
"Alley Ooop" cartoon strip conceived by V. T. Hamlin while working in the oil fields near Iran, Texas
Houston Colored Junior College was organized as part of the city's school system. It was the forerunner of Texas Southern University (1951)
Eight refineries, with a capacity of about 125,000 barrels of crude a day, were operating along the ship channel
The Port of Houston recorded 1,787 ship arrivals with a combined barge and ship freight of 12,000,414 tons
The twenty-two-story Petroleum Building, an office structure which featured a Mayan motif, was opened
The $4,000,000, 32 story Niels Esperson building is opened to the public
Mrs. Edwin L. Neville has given the Rice Institute $100,000 for a chapel in memory of her brother, Edward Albert Palmer
Loews State Theater opens
Mayor Holcombe supplied jobs for the unemployed, paying $1.50 a day on municipal projects
Almost $35,000,000 worth of new construction contracts were signed
Buffalo Stadium, a $400,000 baseball park, was opened
February 6
Air Mail Service is inaugurated when a bi-plane landed, carrying Houston's first airmail delivery
March 2
The municipal airport was officially opened
Robert Powell, a twenty-four-old black, was lynched for allegedly murdering a policeman. Two men who were eventually tried for the lynching were acquitted, though they had signed a confession
June 27
With the Democratic National Convention meeting at Sam Houston Hall, Franklin Delano Roosevelt placed Alfred Smith's name in nomination for the presidency
Texas becomes the nation's greatest oil producing state, with a quarter-billion barrels for the year
King Vidor directs Hallelujah!, starring Victoria Spivey of Houston
Walter E. Monteith became mayor of Houston
Ship arrivals totaled 2,052, while combined barge and ship freight tonnage was 13,917,953
Houston's ratio of wholesale-retail to manufacturing employees was 1:0.7, while the national ratio was 1:1.3. This emphasized the fact that the city was still a commercial-distributive center rather than a manufacturing one
Jesse H. Jones finished the thirty-five -story Gulf Building
City officials rejected the parks and zoning recommendations developed in a two-year study, and the city remained, as it long would, unzoned
The City Planning Commission reported that the transit system had increased passenger numbers by 10 percent in five years, but that the city's population had increased by 60 percent. Houston was already committed to mass transit via the automobile rather than any planned public transit system
Building permits totaling a record $35,320,000 were issued
Capt. Frank Hawks of Houston sets a new record of 18 hours, 21 minutes for West-East transcontinental non-stop airplane flight
June 1
Houston has a serious flood with Buffalo Bayou rising at the rate of 1 inch every 5 minutes, causing millions of dollars in damage
The Houston Port Bureau , a solicitation and promotion agency with offices in New York and other major cities, began operations
Sears, Roebuck & Company's new $1,000,000 retail department store on the corner of Buffalo Dr. and Lincoln Street is opened
October 29
Black Tuesday: the stock market crashes
With a population of 292,352, Houston was the largest city in Texas and the twenty-sixth most populous city in the nation. Its population had increased 111.4 percent since 1920. Blacks remained the largest minority, numbering 63,337, but their percentage of the city's population had fallen from 39 percent in 1880 to 22 percent in 1930
Houston's Port ranked third nationally in foreign exports. Ship arrivals numbered 2,108, and combined barge and ship freight reached 15,057,360 tons valued at $500,000,000
Industries along the ship channel numbered over forty below the Turning Basin and more than twenty-five above it. They included eight oil refineries capable of processing 194,000 barrels of crude oil daily and representing a $200,000,000 investment
Mayor Monteith's committee to study local unemployment problems set up headquarters at the Hampshaw Building where emergency relief was dispensed
Lyndon Baines Johnson taught school in Houston for two years (1930-1932)
Bond issues totaling $13,270,000 are passed
July 4
Balloon races at the Bellaire Speedway draw a crowd of 300,000 people
September 8
"Dad" Joiner brings in the Daisy Bradford # 3, the first producing well in the massive East Texas Oil Field near Henderson
The Cruiser Houston ties up at Pier 14